Sheep madness and other sports in 2015

09.01.2016 13:57

Dante become The Best Working Dog of the Czech club of Belgian Sheperds KCHBO 2015 in herding sheep (out of belgian and australian shepherds males and females together) with almost hundred points higher score than the second place and so he also has a record of the higherst score ever earned in the history of The Best Working Dog of KCHBO in herding sheep!

Agility 2015:

Second time passed LA1 on Exc. One more time and we can try LA2. Also we have finished in team runs on Czech Championship of Belgian Shepherds in Agility out of 32 teams.

Canicross 2015:

FMBB 2015 was held in Czech Republic. At this ocasion we have run the historicaly first Canicross World Championship of Belgian Shepherds and finished 9. out of 19. participants.

Herding 2015:

6 x passed IHT3 TS - 2xExc, 3xG a 1xS out of 15 at Czech Championship in TS out of 18 dogs on Traditional breeds championship in Načešice

3 trial abroad:
Austria -
Hungary -
Poland - first trial in ASCA style 4 x qualified!
2 x Starters sheep
2 x Starters gees 2. and

Dante become the first Champion of the Belgian Shepherd's trial 2015!

Clinics: ASCA with Dutch Anneke de Jong, ASCA German Sandry Zilch.

We fulfilled to work with flighty sheep and to work our own wild sheep. Now we have our own place where Dante is a helping farm dog and we have our own herding students there.

